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Kit Case

Kit Case  |  Managing Paralegal

Kit has been working as a Paralegal with the firm, initially for Mr. Causey, since 1989. Along the way, she took on more and more management tasks, leading to a long tenure as the Firm Administrator until early 2016. At that time, Kit took on a part-time/almost all-remote position while she and her husband spent five years living aboard their sailboat. In that position, Kit managed the firm’s web presence and advertising, provided feedback and support to paralegals on their case work, and spent winters in the office to assist with year-end tasks and wait for the Spring weather to return for each new sailing season.

Now back at work in the Managing Paralegal role, Kit is one part Manager and one part Paralegal. She is developing her own case load, provides feedback and support to the other paralegals on their cases and, in the Manager component of her job, she oversees staff management duties, continues to manage the firm’s web presence, blog and advertising, and provides support to Monica Bell, our Firm Administrator.

Kit and her husband have sold their boat/home, but will keep the memories of their adventures aboard forever. They will continue to sail on other people’s boats and hope to be able to dive again soon.
